Dear, Future Me;

Dear Future Me...

I see you, and you're everything.

Everything you want to be. You're healthy and happy. You're glowing and infectious. You laugh A LOT! You have a killer career and a safe hold on your finances. You're exciting. You're outgoing. You make the most out of every single day, every single moment with whatever you have in front of you.  To you the sky is always blue even when its not and you've gained a clear and pure understanding for others.  You're happily married with someone who compliments you and makes you want to strive to be even better every day. You live for your kids and teach them all of life's greater lessons.

In your eyes nothing is impossible and absolutely every dream is obtainable. You are limitless in every sense of the word. A positive force that shakes others around you; waking them up and helping them want to be a little better just by simply being you.

You're forgiving and kind. You're sensible and intuitive. You have a thirst for adventure and an abounding love for the outdoors.

You spend more mornings on the porch reading with a cup of coffee and less mornings sleeping in regretting the copious amounts of drinks that were had the night before.

You've realized memories are more valuable when they're made of a sober mind and time is not to be wasted in the bottle.

You don't get caught up on social media or how others view you or the way you chose to live your life. Because you know who you are and you're proud.

To you, nothing matters more than being happy.

Some days I know will be hard, some days I know you will be lost again and feel like you've failed but if you stay true to the girl you've always known to be, you will find your way back.

Future Me, I see you and I cant wait to meet you.



I couldn't tell you how much time I spend visualizing the girl I want to be. A better version, a healthier version, a happier version. I look for her in almost anything I do. I confuse myself as to why I'm not this person yet... How is it taking me so much time to become HER. Why do I fall back into all the same bad habits that hinder me of becoming this higher version of myself?

Don't get me wrong, I am closer than I was yesterday and there is something to be said for all the progress I've seen within myself.. But I want more for myself and I see more for myself.

Truth is we are all searching for our purpose here, who we are supposed to be, and how we fit into the big picture the Universe painted for us. But maybe we aren't supposed to fit in anywhere, maybe we are meant to be always searching, and that way we will be always evolving, always growing.

Maybe that's how I get from here to there.

Maybe that's how I get from me to her.

